The Rise of Automated Pet Care
In recent years, the pet care industry has seen a surge in automated devices. Automated litter boxes and feeders have become increasingly popular, promising to simplify pet ownership. These devices can indeed make daily tasks easier, but they don't entirely eliminate the need for a professional when you travel. Do you still need a pet sitter? Why, yes! Automated Pet Care Devices don't replace pet sitters!
Why Automated Pet Care Devices Aren't Enough

While automated litter boxes and feeders are convenient, they cannot fully replicate the care and attention that a pet sitter can provide. Here's why:
Devices Fail: Most automated pet care products operate with a motor and electricity. If the motor fails or the power goes out, the device will stop functioning altogether. As professional pet sitters, we use these products regularly and it's hard to find one that is entirely fail-proof. A failure in an automatic litter box can lead to improper bathroom habits while you're away while a failure in an automatic feeder can cause your pet to go hungry for days without your knowledge.
Troubleshooting: As stated above, even the most reliable automated devices can malfunction. If your pet's feeder or litter box breaks down, a pet sitter can quickly address the issue and ensure your pet's needs are met.
Maintenance: Even devices that function properly need maintenance. Your feeder may need to be topped off, the litter box receptacle may need to be emptied, and related messes will have to be cleaned up. Our pets deserve to eat from clean containers and use clean litter boxes!
Back-ups: In addition to automated feeders and self-cleaning litter boxes, it's recommended that pet parents leave back-up feeding stations and standard litter boxes for their pets use during travel. If you leave non-automated back-ups for your pets, you'll need a sitter to come over and refill and scoop these items.

Why professional Pet sitters are a must
Social Interaction: Our companion animals are social creatures that crave human interaction. Even with properly functioning automated devices, our cats and dogs still need humans to make them feel loved and secure. A pet sitter can provide the social stimulation and affection that pets crave.
Health Monitoring: Automated devices can detect issues like low food levels or a dirty litter box, but they cannot identify more subtle health problems. A pet sitter can check on your pet's overall health, look for signs of illness, ensure your pet is eating, and report any concerns to you.

Separation Anxiety & Boredom Behaviors: Pets may develop separation anxiety or boredom behaviors such as inappropriate chewing or inappropriate elimination while they adjust to their family's absence. A pet sitter can help identify and address these issues, ensuring your pet's well-being and the safety of your home and furnishings.
Medication and Special Care: If your pet requires medication or has specific dietary needs, a pet sitter can administer medication and ensure they are following their prescribed care plan.
Exercise & Enrichment: Leaving all other things aside, pets need exercise and enrichment daily. There is no way your pet will get much-needed exercise if they are left alone for extended periods of time. In fact, it could be really detrimental to their mental and physical health to go without dog walks, playtime, and other enrichment activities for days at a time.
Additional benefits of hiring a pet sitter

In addition to the reasons mentioned above, hiring a pet sitter offers several other benefits including the following:
Peace of Mind: Knowing that your pet is being cared for by a trusted professional offers pet parents peace of mind while you're away.
Personalized Care: A reputable pet sitter will provide personalized care tailored to each of your pet's individual needs and preferences.
Home Security: A pet sitter can help deter potential burglars by making your home appear occupied, bringing in mail and packages, and alerting you to any concerns.
Home Maintenance: Professional pet sitters maintain your home during your absence. We take out the trash, curb your trashcans and bring them back in, clean up feeding areas and around litter boxes, etc. Your pet will enjoy a tidy home and you'll come home to less of a mess.

your fav st. louis pet sitter
While automated devices can be a valuable tool for pet owners, they cannot replace the care and attention that a human can provide. Hiring a professional pet sitter like House of Paws Pet Care is a wise investment that can ensure and enhance your pet's physical and emotional well-being when you're away.
House of Paws offers dog walking, dog adventure, and dog sitting services. Contact us by phone at (314) 690-5154 or email us to to learn more. If you're ready to book services in one of our service areas submit a new client form to begin our registration process. Existing clients may request services here.
We proudly serve Eureka, Wildwood, Ballwin, Manchester, Maryland Heights, Des Peres, Fenton, Chesterfield, Valley Park, Ladue, Creve Couer, Town & Country, Kirkwood, Sunset Hills, Clayton, Webster Groves, Maplewood, The Hill, South City & Affton.